Mr Pink

In case we stray too far from Perth, here’s one very close to home on East Parade East Perth, directly opposite East Perth Train Station. Named “The Oasis”. Nice that the concrete wall has been made to match the slate roof in effect and colour.


About AHC McDonald

Comedian, artist, photographer and critic. From 2007 to 2017 ran the culture and satire site The Worst of Perth
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16 Responses to Mr Pink

  1. No Dramas says:

    Kinda the same colour that the Blind Institute in Maylands used to be until they changed it to cream.
    Maybe this guy bought the left over paint??
    Great Site :)


  2. Robotnik says:

    Did anyone else get creeped out as a kid by those freaky Sid and Marty Kroft productions? Awful US proto-video things like Lidsville and HR Puffenstuff, That Seamonsters thing and the Bugaloos. Weird LSD inspired stuff that could have segued effortlessly into a snuff movie. Anyone? Or was that just me? Don’t tell me their production designers weren’t behind this monstrosity! The nightmares are happening again!


  3. lazyaussie says:

    And closer to home, Gary and Dunderklumpen with the oddly cast Gary Shannon. I think they cohabited in a cave on Rottnest though.


  4. Anonymous Perthon says:

    And why was it that Dunderklumpen who was clearly the brains behind the duo disappeared and we still have to listen to Gary Shannon.
    Hey Robotnik, thanks for reminding me about HR Puffenstuff – no sleep for me this week


  5. Robotnik says:

    3. LA, while they should have been forced to cohabit in a cave, perhaps nearer Tromsk, the Rottnest cave dweller was actually Channel 7’s Keith Geary, though I can’t for the life of me remember his sidekick. Was it a robot?


    • Frank Calabrese says:

      It was C-pher from the Underground Video Show – and there was the talking pool called Matt which was voiced by Max Bartlett of the Magic Circle Club fame


  6. lazyaussie says:

    So Gary and Dunder lived where? Yes I seem to remember that Keith may have had a robot friend a bit like dexter on perfect match.


  7. lisa says:

    I love that house. You wouldn”t see that in Alexander Heights now would you.


  8. lazyaussie says:

    Yeah it is an interesting house.


  9. Jus says:

    i used to LIVE in that house … :D

    mind you, it wasn’t quite that hideous when i was there … i don’t think … i remember the rotting wooden sliding gate more than anything … great backyard, though … :D


  10. Cool. Most people really liked it, so I tagged it as not worst.


  11. Dad says:

    Did anyone else notice the subtlety of Jus’s derogatory remarks?
    As the father of said poster she had better mend her attitude or I will cut her out of my will!!!!


  12. Jus says:

    … there’s a will? i mean … there’s stuff to go INTO the will … ?



  13. The Legend 101 says:

    LOL, Barbie House


We can handle the worst